
Découvrez les SUPERHEROES créés par les élèves de 6B et 6D !


Voici les superpouvoirs des créatures imaginées par les élèves de 6èmeB et D. Chaque superhéros a une identité secrète, nos artistes en herbe le savent et c'est pourquoi ils ont souhaité rester anonymes... Mais rien ne vous empêche de voter pour votre superhéros préféré!

Black eagle is a great hero who is very very strong he has the capacities of an eagle with intense powers. He can move of summit in summit. He can also transform persons in small birds.

My heroine, my super heroine.
This is my heroine, she’s English. Her name is CatMary, she is eleven. She is very tall and slim, she is very strong but she’s extremely clever. She isn’t never angry but she’s always happy. She is very nice. She likes chocolate and coffee but she doesn’t like tea !!! She loves sing and she has a black cat. She has a round face, long straight black hair and blue eyes, a small nose, small ears and a beautiful mouth with a smile really really sharp (be careful she is a girl !!). She has blue and red dress, and shoes with hells. She can fly, run and jump extremely high, because she has magic powers (in her bag-too !). CatMary is amazing, but totally crazy !!
It’s my heroine CatMary !!

Super Spider Elastic Woman SSEW
This is my heroine. Her name is Super Spider Elastic Woman. She’s beautiful! She’s very very tall and thin. She has long straight brown hair and blue eyes. She’s strong and she’s extremely clever. She can fly like superman, save people and animals too. She can cling to walls and jump from one building to the next because she can shoot strings from her wrists like spiderman. She also has an instinct for danger, a "spider-sense". She isn’t scared of nothing. She’s very courageous. Her legs are elastic so she can move in all parts and go really fast like elasticman in the Marvel. Her most dangerous enemies are the Doctor-Fatalis and the Green-goblin. She’s amazing !

My superhero
My hero is super little. He is very very small but he is very strong. He has a hat to fly. He has big black eyes and a big mouth. He can see and hear very far. He can run very fast and jump very high too. He can pass in the most little passage because. He is very very small ! He is AMAZING !
He looks like a bird. He has two big green wings and he can fly very fast. He is really strong and extremely clever. He can invent all sort of magic weapons. He is extremely nice and saves people. He is very popular.
My superhero is a girl. Her name is SuperEmma ! She has superpowers ! But she can’t fly. She can run and jump. She is not very small. She has long straight black. She has round face.

My superhero is called Tree-Rex. He has two horns, rain big eyes, and a square face. He is wooden. He slaps his enemy with his fist. He is fat and not very tall but he is very strong. His role is to defend the forest.

un intrus se cache parmi nos superhéros ! Saurez-vous le retrouver ?
  Black eagle  


Super Spider Elastic Woman


 Super little 




Mardi 7 Mai 2013
Christel Rossi


Menu cantine de la semaine

Semaine du 18 au 22 avril 2016
Salade composée
Pâtes bolognaise
Poulet à la crème/Gratin de patates
Hors d'oeuvre variés
Sauté de veau aux olives/Riz
Salade d'endives
Saumon au four/galettes de légumes
Sébastien Grisoni

devinette :

Dans un pays lointain, un roi voulait faire construire un escalier pour atteindre les nuages… Ses architectes lui proposèrent l’escalier de trois marches dessiné ci-dessus. Combien de cubes de pierre seraient nécessaires pour un escalier de 1000 marches ?
Mr Jourdan

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
15 16 17 18 19 20 21
22 23 24 25 26 27 28
29 30 31        


Collège Ph.Pescetti
BP 16
20221 Cervione  Plan

Tél: +33 (0)4 95 59 30 00
Fax: +33 (0)4 95 38 11 03

Horaires d'ouverture au public:
les lundi et mardi de 8h30 à 16h30
le mercredi de 8h à 12h
les jeudi et vendredi de 8h30 à 16h30